Happy New Year, everybody!
CCA’s suite of workshops for the first half of 2015 includes the most popular ones from 2014 as well as a couple of new or revamped topics.
The workshops on understanding Financial Statements and on accounting for Grants and Government Contracts have consistently been the most popular since we started putting on regular workshops in 2013, and will be run again early in 2015.
We have added a management-level workshop on the more strategic aspects of accounting that a manager (or treasurer) would have to pay attention to, such as longer-term strategies for financial reserves and designing an Accounting Information System that produces relevant reports for decision-making. This is acknowledging that managers have more of an interest in data that is useful for management decisions than in the technical aspects of accounting procedures.
The new Financial Reporting standards for registered Charities loom large in 2015. At this stage we are relying on Charities Services to conduct the necessary training and assistance for charities. The new standards are being integrated in CCA workshops where relevant. However, in February we are offering a presentation on the Tier system and where you sit within it, to complement the very basic information on the Charities web site about this important decision.
As CCA are updating our own accounting spreadsheets to produce standard-compliant reports and help organisations to eliminate multiple handling of the same numbers as much as possible, we are putting on workshops for organisations who are using these, or who are considering them. This includes both a daytime and evening workshop for ‘newbies’, i.e. small charities with little knowledge of bookkeeping that will need to produce much more ‘professional’ reports than in the past due to the new rules.
Workshops on offer at the moment can be accessed here.
For a more comprehensive year-long course on not-for-profit admin and management, including significant accounting content, see here.