Christchurch group OPSCO has organised two more online seminars, one on employment law during lockdowns, and one on holding meetings and AGMs. See below:
Employment Law – COVID-19 and your workplace – Understanding your employment obligations
Raukaha! – Connect #3
Thursday April 16th 11.00am – 12.00pm
Susan Wallace (Canterbury Community Law) and Shauna McClelland (Employer Lawyer) will lead a session that will provide general legal guidance on how COVID-19 rules may be impacting on employment law relationships.
Please not that while we will endeavour to provide helpful guidance, it will be based on information available at the time and could change with government updates or changes to the law.
The session is not intended as legal advice for an individual group and we would encourage you to check with your own lawyer, or Shauna McCelland Employment Law, before making any employment decision.
So we can tailor the session to meet your needs. Please take a moment to fill out the pre-hui questionnaire.…
Registration closes 5.30pmn on Wed 15th April You can register here:
Once you have registered we will send details of the zoom meeting and password.
Meetings and COVID-19 – Legal and Tech tips for holding board meetings and AGM’s assisted by Technology.
Raukaha! -Connect #4
Monday 20th April 3.00pm – 4.00pm
Many non-profit groups will be required to hold either Board / Committee or Annual General Meetings at a time when NZ is affected by social distancing rules.
Susan Wallace (Canterbury Community Law) and Henrietta Hall (Infoxchange) will lead us through a sessionon designed to help you identify if your group is likely to be affected, what the legal consequences could be and to discuss potential tech options for your group to consider.
So we can tailor the session to meet your needs. Please take a moment to fill out the pre-hui questionnaire.…
Registration will close Sat 18th April at 5.30pm. You can register here:
Once you have registered we will send out details of the zoom meeting and password
Raukaha! – Connect Team
Otautahi Partnership for Stronger Community Organisations.